Preparing girls to change the world
Welcome to The Sacred Heart School of Montreal, where every chapter is filled with educational excellence and boundless opportunities! For over 160 years, Sacred Heart has been shaping the paths of young women, infusing them with unwavering confidence, and igniting the flames of leadership within their hearts.
Why Sacred Heart?
It was once said that children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future, and at The Sacred Heart School of Montreal, we do not take this for granted.
Since 1861, we have been dedicated to graduating confident and brave women, full of potential and prepared to take on the world. The school is committed to developing young women of intellect, conviction, compassion and with a sense of justice for all; leading to the MEQ Secondary Leaving Diploma.
Her future starts with Sacred Heart
News and Events
Upcoming Events
Salutatio Omnis / Curriculum Night
September 17, 2024
Our mission and goals
A personal and active faith in God
A social awareness which impels to action
Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom
A deep respect for intellectual values
The building of community as a Christian value
Community Voices: How Our School Makes a Lasting Impact
Our mission and goals
A personal and active faith in God
A deep respect for intellectual values
A social awareness which impels to action
The building of community as a Christian value
Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom