13 May 2024
Navigating the 100 Days of May

In the midst of May, educators, parents and students collectively embark on a whirlwind journey known as the "100 Days of May." While the month technically has only 31 days, for those of us working in schools and for parents of school-aged children, it can feel like a marathon of final projects, assignments, and school events compressed into a single month as we approach the end of the academic year. Within the walls of Sacred Heart, the "100 Days of May" take on a unique significance, embodying the spirit of sisterhood, scholarship, and service that defines the Sacred Heart experience.
For educators and staff at Sacred Heart, the "100 Days of May" are a testament to their commitment to empowering young women to become leaders of intellect, faith, and compassion. Teachers diligently plan lessons, organize assessments, prepare students for final exams, and coordinate end-of-year events, all while providing guidance and support to their students (and juggle the end-of-year activities at their own children’s schools!). It's a moment to reflect on the progress achieved throughout the year and eagerly anticipate the future accomplishments of the students they have come to deeply care for.
From a parent's viewpoint, the "100 Days of May" bring a mix of emotions. As they attend end-of-year events and cheer on their children's accomplishments, parents witness firsthand the transformative impact of a Sacred Heart education. They take pride in the young women their daughters are becoming – confident, compassionate, and equipped with the knowledge and skills to make a difference in the world. It has been truly heartwarming for me, in my first year of Headship at Sacred, to watch parents deftly juggle their schedules to eagerly attend end-of-year performances like Arts Fest and “The Importance of Being Earnest”, cheer their daughters on in athletics competitions, and build kiosks for the Student Stock Exchange extravaganza.
For our exceptional students, this is the home stretch – a time of excitement for summer vacation, coupled with the pressure of final exams and assignments. As the days grow warmer and the school year draws to a close, students anticipate the freedom of summer break and strive to finish the year strong. From preparing for Prizes, Graduation, and Prom, to saying goodbye to classmates and teachers, the "100 Days of May" are filled with a mix of emotions as students reflect on their academic journey and look ahead to the future. With each passing day, they are reminded of the values that unite them as Sacred Heart sisters.
As the "100 Days of May" unfolds at Sacred Heart, the spirit of sisterhood, scholarship, and service shines brightly in every corner of the school. We look forward to celebrating our graduates at our Grad Mass on May 21st, the Feast of our Foundress Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat on May 24th, and acknowledging the efforts of our student athletes at the Sports Banquet on May 30th. Our journey through May is not simply a countdown to summer break, but a celebration of the devoted and loving community that we are all so blessed to be a part of.
Ms. Briand
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Head of School
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